etc | Nationwide | Jeonbuk | National Ratio | National Ratio | Jeonbuk Ratio |
Area | 99,393.86㎢ | 8,047.07㎢ | 631.68㎢ | 0.6% | 7.8% |
Households | 13,843,852 | 611,179 | 10,208 | 0.1% | 1.7% |
Population | 45,512,117명 | 2,007,379명 | 30,610명 | 0.1% | 1.7% |
Per age(in unit of 5 years) | Number of Population | Per age (in unit of 5 years) | Number of Population |
Sum | 16092 | 50∼54 | 878 |
0 ∼ 4 | 860 | 55∼59 | 1,269 |
5 ∼ 9 | 860 | 60∼64 | 1,358 |
10∼14 | 844 | 65∼69 | 1,110 |
15∼19 | 1,306 | 70∼74 | 782 |
20∼24 | 1,181 | 75∼79 | 534 |
25∼29 | 927 | 80∼84 | 256 |
30∼34 | 996 | 85∼89 | 148 |
35∼39 | 975 | 90∼94 | 39 |
40∼44 | 882 | 95∼99 | 9 |
45∼49 | 867 | 100 | 2 |
per year, per eup·myeon | total | field(farm) | rice field (rice paddy) | woodland | road | others |
2001.5 | 631,679,557 | 37,544,684 | 35,709,748 | 519,933,702 | 8,968,544 | 29,522,878 |
Muju-eup | 79,418,889 | 6,879,587 | 4,815,225 | 58,551,801 | 1,895,675 | 7,276,600 |
Mupoong-myeon | 91,226,349 | 6,794,439 | 5,679,569 | 73,876,207 | 1,543,469 | 3,332,665 |
Seolcheon-myeon | 157,885,087 | 5,638,452 | 5,991,787 | 139,642,854 | 1,414,290 | 5,197,701 |
Jeoksang-myeon | 135,891,143 | 6,497,995 | 5,587,040 | 117,823,954 | 1,527,995 | 4,454,158 |
Anseong-myeon | 97,278,775 | 6,926,056 | 10,312,449 | 73,446,476 | 1,554,554 | 5,039,239 |
Bunam-myeon | 69,979,312 | 4,808,154 | 3,323,677 | 56,592,409 | 1,032,559 | 4,222,513 |